Monday, April 20, 2009

My Ekua

By Brother Biko

Two most beautiful women in the world
My one and only ekua and the rest
Two most beautiful women ever made
My lovely ekua is the very best
Ekua never passed thru varsity
But she holds an enviable love degree
Ekua is bright smart conscious courteous
She care less about church yet she’s righteous

Ekua is neither rude nor arrogant
She’s responsible not extravagant
Ekua is sweet sweeter than berries
She’s mindful of her thank yous and sorrys
Ekua knows why she has ears and a mouth
She don’t let me say enough is enough
I don’t have a cause to fear or doubt her
We belong to each other she’s aware

Ekua is her own standard of beauty
She don’t covet an European identity
A beauty in the truest sense of the word
Not the type to let a man lose his head
Ekua never wears perm wig lipstick
She don’t respond to pig tags like bitch chick
Ekua knows her rights and also her limits
No matter what we shall not call it quits

For ekua my heart always sings a song
A d ay without her is like a year long
Better to spend time away from my life
Than spend days away from my future wife
Whenever she’s talking I am all ears
Her voice kills my pains and towels my tears
I am not complete without my ekua
I need her today next and forever

I Speak of A man

By Nii Lantey
In the name of art history
By way of poetry
I speak of a man
I tell of his works
His works that stand conspicuous
In the swathe of the ruins
Of his detractors’ subversive activities
I speak of man who gave birth to a nation
I speak of a man who lived and died for his people
I speak of a man loved and hated by his own people
I speak of a 20th century political Christ
Accused, Abused and Refused
I speak of a man vilified and demonised
Castigated by his generation
Today I speak of a man
Vindicated, celebrated
And almost deified
A man who started a fire
That burnt down towers of powers of oppression
Operating in Isms and Schisms
Colonialism and imperialism
Powers that raped and robbed my people in Africa
I speak of this man
I speak of his works
I speak of the father of my country Ghana
I speak of Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah
The black Star of Africa
Nkrumah show boy
The Giant killer
The light bearer
The answer to the question
The wind of black Africa liberation
The bear chest of the new Africa
The crown of the black pride
Take it or leave it
The army prophet general of the struggle
Take it or leave it
The tallest of the standing tall
The warrior for the soldiers
I speak of a man who brook no dread and dared to stand against the system
Kicked out the crazy baldheads
And trampled down Babylon
Home and abroad
I speak of a man who brought the sum dowm on the John Bull’s empire
I speak of a man who never dies
I speak of the man whose voice is still talking revolution
After 100years
I speak of Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah
To the galling of his detractors
He is the one
The only one
The man of the millennium
The greatest of all
I speak of no one but him
Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah
Twa Omanye Aba

Blacks and nearly whites

By Brother Biko
Blacks and nearly whites lets do something right
Let’s come together and fight the good fight
We cannot sit down nor spend our precious lives
Serving greedy slave masters and their wives
As they loot from our national coffers
And brand our continents super worthless
It behoves on us to build a society
That believes first in human equality

Blacks and nearly whites let us see the light
Try and help each other with all our might
Life is for a collective benefit
Not for ones outrageous greedy profit
Let’s reach into our minds and delve deeper
We can move on as each others keeper
Bring out the best in our collective selves
And be grateful to life for what she serves

Blacks and nearly whites life has one secret
Which is to fear nothing and be discreet
Let’s build a world pretty much like heaven
We are capable when we look within
Good attitude to life is all we need
Let not despair and hopelessness breed
Too late to think of making a good beginning
But we all can make excellent ending

Blacks and nearly whites its time for a change
If we just sit down things won’t rearrange
It takes scores of ten thousands to be poor
For one fool to get rich and rule the law
As long as there are billionaires on earth
Millions of people shall live in pain and death
Its time for us to act lets be working
Against the system of a queen and king


By Brother Biko
In afrika all things happen
As long as leaders say amen
To the World Bank and IMF
To rip us on masters behalf
But we can turn the table
And make the continent stable
If we mean to rule destiny
And not sell our souls for money

Afrika shan’t be safe and sound
When grave exploitation abound
When we sit on gold to be poor
Whilst masters hide behind the law
If we change our mentality
And wreck the cause of poverty
Rape murder robbery and crime
Shall run to once upon a time

When people do not find justice
Then justice finds highest office
You see ballots thrown far away
Bullets rise to have the final say
Social insurance of one all
Leaders followers great or small
Is the key to stability
That’s no gift from god almighty

Learning to become foreign tools
Producing their raw materials
Neglecting our common sense
Holding fast to indifference
Can only lead us to deepest hell
Let’s look within and make things well
Lets be our one and only hope
Life is far from opera soap

Children of civilization

By Brother Biko
Children of civilization
Now set to abject destruction
Frozen is our desire to know
Little we think we know aren’t so
Children of greatest mind makers
Perishing amongst non thinkers
Our minds are on serious run
We are like captives in the can

Our men energetic and strong
Almost cannot tell right from wrong
Our women pretty to behold
Mostly sex items to be sold
We awakened humanity
But out of goddamn naivety
We are still down not ready to rise
And leaders are still telling lies

Our nations are right down the drain
Our youth are hooked on gun and cocaine
Our leaders mostly deaf and blind
System won’t allow them to be kind
The creator gave us a head start
How come we failed to do our part
We must research and find ourselves
And give system what it deserves

Christianity came by way of gun
Islam by means of a swordsman
We were the pagans they did say
Foolish were we to choose their way
Let’s find our own ways and means
We can’t live on slave religions
Five hundred years in abject mess
Time to say no to oppressors

Beautiful great women

By Brother Biko
Beautiful great women of afrika
You aren’t objects for bad men to conquer
Beautiful righteous women of the world
You must be seen but most of all be heard
In unity lie your hope and power
You mustn’t wither away like flower
Don’t let cheap chocolate vibes confuse you
You deserve the best you deserve your due

You are the most important in this life
Nature made you to be more than a wife
You are too great to be disrespected
Too glorious to be misappreciated
You are more than things for men to look at
You don’t deserve to serve as a doormat
United you can do what you need to do
Don’t let any pig discourage you

Let not men sing praises of your behinds
And still treat you as very little minds
To have emotional intelligence
Doesn’t mean you have weak rational sense
Time is ripe to rise on your brain and feet
Aim at every parliamentarian seat
If you allow men to make all the rules
You will be left with kitchen tools

Religions are there to oppress women
Don’t follow doctrines to sexist den
The myth of eve made you the most hated
That of Delilah made you least trusted
Holy books by men are politics of sex
All written to leave you in hell annex
Know your story and get understanding
That your life did not begin in Eden

What we write

By Brother Biko
What we write comes from heart bleeding
Minds set on rapid fire blazing
What we write expresses anger
Torment anguish danger
We write a straight forward invite
Which leads to afrikan light
Light of awareness consciousness
Light to empower powerless

We write what has long been written
We speak what has long been spoken
We write a common peoples manual
Unsorted natural factual
We write protest songs street anthems
We make you aware of problems
You need to take note of this hint
Nothing we write is a blueprint

We write what was in sankara
We write the mind of Guevara
Nkrumah Lumumba Biko
Even mumia on deathrow
What we write survived cold regimes
That of smith Leopold and their dreams
We write blood against oppression
And all forms of exploitation

Our writings stand firm for justice
So you should know we are for peace
Justice for our people and all
Justice bold firm standing tall
What we write is crap to the stupid
Bloody nonsense to the timid
Blasphemy to the self righteous
Yet nothing stops what we write oh yes

What we write comes from heart bleeding
Minds set on rapid fire blazing
What we write expresses anger
Torment anguish danger
We write a straight forward invite
Which leads to afrikan light
Light of awareness consciousness
Light to empower powerless

We write what has long been written
We speak what has long been spoken
We write a common peoples manual
Unsorted natural factual
We write protest songs street anthems
We make you aware of problems
You need to take note of this hint
Nothing we write is a blueprint

We write what was in sankara
We write the mind of Guevara
Nkrumah Lumumba Biko
Even mumia on deathrow
What we write survived cold regimes
That of smith Leopold and their dreams
We write blood against oppression
And all forms of exploitation

Our writings stand firm for justice
So you should know we are for peace
Justice for our people and all
Justice bold firm standing tall
What we write is crap to the stupid
Bloody nonsense to the timid
Blasphemy to the self righteous
Yet nothing stops what we write oh yes

What we write comes from heart bleeding
Minds set on rapid fire blazing
What we write expresses anger
Torment anguish danger
We write a straight forward invite
Which leads to afrikan light
Light of awareness consciousness
Light to empower powerless

We write what has long been written
We speak what has long been spoken
We write a common peoples manual
Unsorted natural factual
We write protest songs street anthems
We make you aware of problems
You need to take note of this hint
Nothing we write is a blueprint

We write what was in sankara
We write the mind of Guevara
Nkrumah Lumumba Biko
Even mumia on deathrow
What we write survived cold regimes
That of smith Leopold and their dreams
We write blood against oppression
And all forms of exploitation

Our writings stand firm for justice
So you should know we are for peace
Justice for our people and all
Justice bold firm standing tall
What we write is crap to the stupid
Bloody nonsense to the timid
Blasphemy to the self righteous
Yet nothing stops what we write oh yes

What we write comes from heart bleeding
Minds set on rapid fire blazing
What we write expresses anger
Torment anguish danger
We write a straight forward invite
Which leads to afrikan light
Light of awareness consciousness
Light to empower powerless

We write what has long been written
We speak what has long been spoken
We write a common peoples manual
Unsorted natural factual
We write protest songs street anthems
We make you aware of problems
You need to take note of this hint
Nothing we write is a blueprint

We write what was in sankara
We write the mind of Guevara
Nkrumah Lumumba Biko
Even mumia on deathrow
What we write survived cold regimes
That of smith Leopold and their dreams
We write blood against oppression
And all forms of exploitation

Our writings stand firm for justice
So you should know we are for peace
Justice for our people and all
Justice bold firm standing tall
What we write is crap to the stupid
Bloody nonsense to the timid
Blasphemy to the self righteous
Yet nothing stops what we write oh yes
